NRA Pistol Instructor
The NRA Pistol Instructor training is 8-10 hours in length, This is where candidates will demonstrate the Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude for conducting a course. The course is a combination of lessons and role-playing, We’ll go through the instructor’s requirements and you’ll get a chance to practice teaching skills in the classroom and on the range. Candidates will be required to demonstrate safe firearms handling skills, pass a written exam by 90% and shoot the Instructor qualification course.
(You do not pay and automatically pass Instructor training. You pay to have the opportunity to pass. We are here to assist you)
NRA Pistol Course NRA Basic Instructor Course (BIT) Students must be able to place 16 out 20 shots within a 6" circle using the Qualification Target at a distance of 15 yards (45 feet) using a two-handed, unsupported, standing position. Certified instructor: 21 years of age or older Assistant instructor: 18 years of age or older Apprentice instructor: 13-17 years of age
- NRA Basic/First Step course outline
- Lesson plan
- Powerpoint
- Instructor Led and Blended training
- NRA Instructors portal
- Live fire
- See course Description Above
What's Included
- NRA Materials
- Lunch
What To Bring
- Handgun 100 rounds ammunition (Minimum)
- Eye and ear protection
- Notepad and Pen
Questions? Additional questions, please feel free to contact us.